Health and safety laws designed to support business says Hackitt

Judith Hackitt, chair of the health and safety executive, has said Britain’s systems of regulations are designed to help businesses thrive.

“The regulations, including COMAH, are not designed to stop you doing what you’re doing,” Ms Hackitt told delegates at The Process Safety Management Summit II on January 21st.

“The idea is that if you manage the risks, you can carrying on doing what your business does because you build trust and confidence in your ability to do it.”

She added: “We as regulators are here to help you be successful, to enable growth and prosperity, we are not in the business of stifling your success, we are here to enable you to be successful.”

Speaking as the HSE celebrates its 40th birthday, Ms Hackitt said the underpinning principles of Britain’s regulatory health and safety system “remained the same today” as when the HSE started.

“It’s about those who create the risks being the people who have to manage them and that they should do that in a proportionate way and in a practical way.”

This principle applied to all employers including the major hazard industries, offices and shops, she added.

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