At Reynolds Training Services we know that no business, and no industry, can long survive in isolation.
We are all connected with our suppliers, partners, customers, and regulatory bodies. That’s why we offer a range of interlinked, complimentary services.
During our twelve years in business, the driving force behind everything we’ve done – and continue to do – at Reynolds Training, is improving competency in our sector and making competency more of a priority.
Within the High Hazard sector we need to do everything to avoid loss of containment – that’s not only a legal requirement and a moral imperative, it’s also the basis of good, safe and profitable business. Competence demonstrates our readiness to do whatever is needed to keep our workers, our sites, our environment, our customers and the public safe.
The simple fact is: More competent workers are more efficient and effective.
This is why we believe it is crucial to not only train people in competency, but to also assess their competency onsite.
It’s all part of what we call ‘Blended Learning’ which is delivered on your site, on our site and online. We take the decades of dedication and expertise offered by our staff at Reynolds, we add to that the real-world, hands-on experience offered by the resources at our state-of-the-art NCPM training facility, then we mix-in the best online training and competency tools with CALMcloud.
All of this combines to give the learners, the trainers and the employers a holistic 360° view, which helps to ensure there are no gaps in training and competence!
National Centre for Process and Manufacturing
Our technical training facility is the NCPM – The National Centre for Process and Manufacturing, which we developed in partnership with CATCH. Here, we provide a unique learning environment which supports safety and technical training for careers across Bulk Liquid Operations, maintenance, control & instrumentation, process and occupational safety, management and quality control.
Within the NCPM, our instructors – working within a fully-emulated process operations environment – help businesses and learners build knowledge, skills and experience relevant to their site, industry and sector.
Reynolds Training Services
At Reynolds Training Services, we have a culture of offering interlinked training courses to uplift the skills and understanding of everyone from Apprentice Operators to Managers in real-world disciplines.
Subject are grouped into four general areas:
- Emergency Response
- Process Safety & Technical Training
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Competence Assessment & Management
These courses are recognised by the world’s most respected awarding bodies, and they help create a pipeline of best practice and competence that will resonate throughout our learners’ work lives, offering them opportunities to further their career into a range of roles and industries.
Mindful of the complexities of monitoring the training and competency levels within an employer’s workforce – we have also developed CALMcloud, which stands for Competency Assessment Learning Management in the cloud.
This, simply put, is an online portal for managing competence. It is a platform created by trainers that addresses the problems many companies face in managing their employee and contractor training and occupational competence. CALMcloud is designed to encompass and track all your training – both online and onsite face-to-face training – as well as your competence assessment and CPD (Continuous Professional Development). It keeps an ongoing holistic record – all in one place – which takes away the guesswork and confusion of keeping records in different systems.
CALMcloud is also a fantastic tool for career development. CALMcloud is also a fantastic tool for career development. Roles can be assigned to individuals, populating their training needed with the agreed training and competence requirements.
The platform has been designed to work in a simple, user-friendly way that will keep track of renewal dates and monitor occupational competence in a way that doesn’t waste your time or cause you stress.
We help you to keep calm and carry on!
Got a question?
If you have any questions about our range of interlinked services, touch base and we are here to help.
Let’s Get Started
Health and safety can be complicated. Simplify it with Reynolds Training – the company to manage all your needs.