The Health and Safety Executive and industry have come together to promote 2019 as the “Year of Major Hazard Leadership”.
To this end, they organised a ‘COMAH Strategic Forum Open Meeting’ for senior managers of sites with the potential to cause a major hazard accident. It included presentations from the Environment Agency and several Trade Associations – including the Tank Storage Association.
The aim of the open meeting was to explain what the HSE’s COMAH regulations are all about, and what they offer to business.
Our good friends at the TSA offered a fascinating insight into what they do, and about the importance of Process Safety Management.
This sort of information is gold-dust for business managers working in potentially hazardous industries.
Video: COMAH Strategic Forum Open Meeting
Here at Reynolds Training, we know that good safety leadership is the bedrock that underpins safe performance and competence within the high hazard sector. That’s why we are now offering our NEBOSH HSE Safety Leadership Excellence course.
NEBOSH HSE Safety Leadership Excellence.
This important new course is designed for – and pitched appropriately at – Managers, Supervisors, SHE Champions, Union Representatives and aspiring health and safety practitioners.
Key outcomes will include:
- Recognising the importance of leadership for improving health and safety performance/ culture produce a risk control plan.
- Better understanding of what influences your own and others’ behaviour.
- Understanding HSE’s model for effective health and safety leadership.
- Reflecting on your own health and safety leadership style and what can influence your decision making and subsequent behaviour.
- Recognising the impact of leadership on team performance.
Because a culture of safety doesn’t happen by accident.
Want to know more?
Our one day course (plus additional self-study) can give your managers knowledge and understanding of effective health and safety leadership, and embed an understanding of how this enables you to work towards achieving safety culture excellence.
If you would like more information about the NEBOSH HSE course in Safety Leadership Excellence, including costs and availability, contact Karon Reynolds on 01469 552846, email karon@reynoldstraining.com or fill in the form:Training Centre, CATCH Facility