IOSH Approved – Principles of Loading Master (Jetty Operations)

Courses Overview:
The Loading Master course in Jetty Operations from IOSH reviews a learner’s knowledge and understanding around jetty operations – including ship or barge receipt and delivery operations.
This course can be customised to your needs, so please enquire about cost and availability.
IOSH’s Jetty Operations course provides a comprehensive outline of safety protocols, operational procedures, human factors and key process steps around the Loading Master role.
During marine transfer operations, the Loading Master takes responsibility for ensuring compliance with all environmental protection and maritime security regulations – preventing spills which may cause water pollution as well as security breaches.
The course provides coverage of ISGOTT 6 and the relevant sections of the ship shore safety checklist.
Who is this course for?
Those involved in a Loading Master role – such as the Transfer Operator at the marine terminal who supervises the movement of products between tanker ships, barges and the terminal.
2 Days
Closed Courses
This course can be run as a closed course at your facility, planned to support the objectives of your site goals and utilising your forms.
To review the learner’s knowledge and understanding for jetty operations, covering ship or barge receipt and delivery operations; outlining the safety, operational, and key process steps relevant to these activities.
On completion of the course learners will be able to:
- Describe the core responsibilities of the jetty operator
- Recognise the hazards associated with jetty operations
- Identify the key features of the jetty
- Explain PPE, including the important features of life jackets
- Outline the necessary documentation and key aspects of ship / shore checklist
- Detail the jetty operator’s core responsibilities around discharge and loading operations
IOSH Approved – Closed book written test, pass mark 75% (21/30)

This course is just one step in a long career in the Tank Storage and Process industries. We offer a wide range of courses that can help your career progression in whichever avenue you are pursuing.
Learning Advisors:
We provide guidance on your career pathway with advice on relevant courses and how you can access them.
For more info on your progression, get in touch with your Learning Advisors: Karon Reynolds and Mollie King.
Reynolds Training Services Ltd
Technical Training Centre
CATCH Facility
Redwood Park Estate, Stallingborough
North East Lincolnshire
DN41 8TH

Lead Tutor: John Reynolds
The driving force behind Reynolds and a leading figure in the Bulk Storage sector.