IOSH Approved – Principles and Practice of Emergency Response

Courses Overview:
Next Date: 28/04/2025
Duration: 2 days
Available Places: 10
The IOSH Emergency Response course is designed to outline the essential knowledge and understanding required to control emergencies and critical situations within Bulk Storage Operations environments.
Course price:
£ 650.00 EX VAT
START 28/04/2025
END 29/04/2025
8:30 am
4:30 pm
START 10/11/2025
END 11/11/2025
8:30 am
4:30 pm
This valuable IOSH course outlines the core elements of Emergency Response Planning and the key requirements of incident response. Involved is an in-depth review of regulatory requirements placed on non COMAH, lower tier and upper Tier COMAH sites, the types of emergency situation, raising the alarm, response and control methods, roles and responsibilities, business continuity and communication.
Who is this course for?
Everyone working in a high hazard environment
2 Days
Closed Courses
This course can be run as a closed course at your facility, planned to support the objectives of your site control of work goals and utilising your forms.
Open Courses
Our open courses are run within Real World Environment at the National Centre for Process and Manufacturing, this environment provides an ideal opportunity to work with others and explore best practice for Control of Work, utilising generic procedures and forms.
To outline the core aspects of Emergency Response Planning, identifying the key requirements of incident response and underpinning this through a coordinated structure of roles, responsibilities and other stakeholders.
At the end of the course learners will be able to:
- Define Emergency Response and understand the legal requirements.
- List the objectives of onsite Emergency Response plans.
- Explain the importance of effective leadership and communication skills that support the Incident command process.
- Identify the necessary resources for conducting effective ER activities.
- Understand the phases of an incident.
- Recognise the importance of communication and escalation to relevant personnel.
- Describe the process of planning the initial response to operational incidents, implementing actions to achieve the planned objectives.
- Explain control needs during an incident.
- Describe and understand how to establish an Emergency Control Centre (ECC).
- Define key roles and responsibilities.
- Understand requirements for other stakeholders, including communication.
- Carry out practical Incident response scenarios on site.
Day two includes a full practical Emergency Response Exercise which is assessed as a group. The end of course question paper can be completed in 45 minutes, with a minimum pass mark of 28/40.
IOSH Approved – Closed book written test, pass mark 75% (28/40)
Full practical Emergency Response Exercise which is assessed as a group.

This course is just one step in a long career in the Tank Storage and Process industries. We offer a wide range of courses that can help your career progression in whichever avenue you are pursuing.
Learning Advisors:
We provide guidance on your career pathway with advice on relevant courses and how you can access them.
For more info on your progression, get in touch with your Learning Advisors: Karon Reynolds and Mollie King.
Reynolds Training Services Ltd
Technical Training Centre
Redwood Park Estate, Stallingborough
North East Lincolnshire
DN41 8TH

Lead Tutor: Alan Oxborough
Alan brings his many years’ experience working across industry sectors and Higher Education