IOSH Approved – Principles of Process Safety Management

Courses Overview:
Next Date: 16/06/2025
Duration: 2 days
Available Places: 12
This course outlines the importance Process Safety Management plays within the high hazard sector, identifying the key areas of prevention, control, mitigation and human factors.
Course price:
£ 550.00 EX VAT
START 16/06/2025
END 17/06/2025
8:30 am
4:30 pm
START 15/12/2025
END 16/12/2025
8:30 am
4:30 pm
The IOSH Approved Principles of Process Safety Management course is tailored to those responsible for process safety and risk management. With a focus on managing the integrity of operating systems and processes that handle hazardous substances, the course specifically deals with the prevention, control and mitigation of events that may release hazardous materials and energy.
It builds on the Chemicals. Explosives and Microbiological Hazards Division (Of the HSE) Major Hazard Regulatory Model (Safety Management in major hazard sectors) and blends this with the Energy Institutes High Level Framework for Process Safety Management, which has four fundamental pillars:
- Process Safety Leadership.
- Risk Identification and Assessment.
- Risk Management.
- Review and Improvement.
The course will challenge learners to explore how they can not only lead in PSM, but also provide underpinning knowledge and guidance to develop a personal plan that will also support company goals.
Closed Courses
This course can be run as a closed course at your facility, planned to support the objectives of your site Process Safety Management goals. This can be further extended to review how the principles of the Energy Institutes High Level Framework for process Safety Management are embedded into your every day activities.
Open Courses
Our open courses are run within Real World Environment at the National Centre for Process and Manufacturing, this environment provides an ideal opportunity to work with others and explore best practice for Process Safety Management.
Who is this course for?
Managers, safety professionals and high-level supervisors working within the high hazard sector have both autonomy and managerial responsibilities for good design principles, engineering, operating and maintenance practices.
Duration: Two days – With an option to extend this for ‘closed’ courses to explore how the EI High Level Framework is embedded, creating a gap analysis and action list.
Prerequisites: None
Outline the importance Process Safety Management plays within the High Hazard sector, identifying the key areas of prevention, control, mitigation and human factors and reference these requirements into the controls within your organisation.
- Identify the role of the regulator.
- Recognise the impact of poor process management.
- Recall various tools that contribute to effective process safety management.
- Discuss the significance of a leadership role within the major hazard management system.
- Recognise ways to foster a robust safety culture.
- Identify the components of competence.
- Understand the concept of inherently safer design and barriers use, underpinned by strong emergency response procedures.
IOSH approved written assessment. Pass Mark: 70% (14/20)

This course is just one step in a long career in the Tank Storage and Process industries. We offer a wide range of courses that can help your career progression in whichever avenue you are pursuing.
Learning Advisors:
We provide guidance on your career pathway with advice on relevant courses and how you can access them.
For more info on your progression, get in touch with your Learning Advisors: Karon Reynolds and Mollie King.
Reynolds Training Services Ltd
Technical Training Centre
Redwood Park Estate, Stallingborough
North East Lincolnshire
DN41 8TH

Lead Tutor: Alan Oxborough
Working with Reynolds Training since 2011, Alan has the richest of backgrounds in operations and mantenance and blends this seamlessly with an ability to convey fundamental prinples and beyond to any audience.