Health and safety news: major emergency advice

Health and safety news: Go in. Stay in. Tune In! That’s the name of a new campaign designed to keep people safe in the event of a major accident on a high hazard site.

Humber Chemical Focus is working with local agencies and industry to create a practical advice resource for members of the public. Arrangements have also been made with local radio stations to issue emergency warnings in the event of an incident.

At the centre of the campaign resides an informational website where members of the public can find all they need to know about emergency response procedures.

There is, of course, no increased risk to the public. Go in. Stay in. Tune In! is simply part of a continuing process to raise awareness as required by the Control of the Major Accident Hazards Regulations.

It is about alerting people in the event of an incident and preemptively educating them as to what steps they should take.

So, what should we do if an incident occurs?

Major emergencies can be triggered by an array of incidents. Go in. Stay in. Tune In! advises the public to follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Go In

Go indoors. Do not collect your children from school, they will be properly cared for.

Step 2: Stay In

Switch off ventilation fans, aircon units and all sources of ignition, including gas and electrical heating appliances. Block incoming draughts and close windows. Do not light matches or spark naked flames. Do not smoke. Stay calm and rest.

Step 3: Tune In

Follow the instructions given by the companies or the emergency services and listen to the radio. Do not use the phone to contact the company, keep their lines free for emergency use.

Wait inside until the all-clear is given or you are given other advice. Messages giving the all-clear will be issued by the emergency services, company representative or local radio.

Sign up for updates and information

To learn more about this campaign and to sign up for information, head on over to the Go in. Stay in. Tune In! website.

[cta_button]Go in. Stay in. Tune In![/cta_button]


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Karon Reynolds

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- John Reynolds