In the workplace, every manager should have an understanding of their responsibilities when it comes to health and safety.
IOSH Managing Safely is designed to bring managers up-to-speed on the skills they need to tackle safety and health issues in the workplace.
The course is flexible to you. It is hands-on, practical and forgoes jargon in favour of a sharp business focus. IOSH Managing Safely engages and inspires.
The practical programme has helped a huge range of businesses to raise standards of safety and health. Now, it’s your turn.
Course details
- Assessing risks
- Controlling risks
- Understanding responsibilities
- Understanding hazards
- Investigating incidents
- Measuring performance
- Protecting our environment
- A 25 question, multiple format assessment paper
- A risk assessment based project
When you pass, you’ll be awarded an IOSH Managing Safely certificate.
How the course delivery style suits you
- Get inspired by thought-provoking facts and case studies that drive home key health and safety points over the whole course
- Each module is backed by easy to follow examples and scenarios you can relate to. Quick summaries reinforce key learning points
- The course includes checklists and other materials for delegates to try out and then use when they get back to their own workplaces
- Little ‘down time’ – the programme can be delivered flexibly so that it suits your business
- Efficient and effective learning – health, safety and environmental basics are covered in a single programme
Business benefits
- Greater productivity as fewer hours are lost due to sickness and accidents
- Improved company-wide safety awareness culture and appreciation for safety measures
- Active staff involvement to improve the workplace
- Nationally recognised and respected certification for managers and supervisors
- Enhanced reputation within the supply chain