Watch US CSB animation of fire at ExxonMobil’s Baton Rouge Refinery

On November 22nd, 2016, a fire erupted during maintenance activities at the ExxonMobil’s refinery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, severely burning …

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CSB safety video on 2009 CAPECO explosion

The US Chemical Safety Board has released a video exploring the massive explosion at the Caribbean Petroleum (CAPECO) terminal facility …

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Personal safety hazards vs process safety hazards

In the industrial health and safety arena, a long fought battle between personal safety and process safety hazards continues to …

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Personal safety hazards vs process safety hazards

In the industrial health and safety arena, a long fought battle between personal safety and process safety hazards continues to …

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What are Inherently Safer Processes?

In the world of Petroleum Safety Training the world of Inherently Safer Processes (ISP)continues to burst through. ISP looks at …

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What is process safety?

Reynolds Training Services director, John Reynolds, processes one of the biggest workplace safety questions out there: what is process safety? …

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What is competency?

Reynolds Training Services director, John Reynolds, dishes up another piece of industrial health and safety wisdom as he mulls over …

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Inherently Safer: The Future of Risk Reduction

The concept of inherent safety and its application across industry forms the centrepiece of a new health and safety video …

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