The lasting impact of Buncefield 10 years on

Ten years ago the UK experienced its biggest peacetime explosion since the Second World War. It was the morning of …

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More must be done to avoid “preventable” work deaths

Despite “great strides” in workplace safety more still needs to be done to avoid “preventable” deaths, the chair of the …

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University of Hull developing “real-world” process safety skills

The School of Engineering at the University of Hull is providing second year students with practical training to help them …

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Health and safety news: we need to do more says Hackitt

Health and safety news: Judith Hackitt, chair of the health and safety executive, has urged businesses to process better onsite …

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Health and safety applies to small businesses says Hackitt

With increasing numbers of SMEs now operating high hazard sites, the chair of the Health and Safety Executive has cautioned …

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Health and safety laws designed to support business says Hackitt

Judith Hackitt, chair of the health and safety executive, has said Britain’s systems of regulations are designed to help businesses …

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Incidents always a risk until industry processes safety

Major incidents will always be a reality of high hazard sites until boardrooms start to mitigate risks through good process …

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Health and safety myths: end the blame game

The Health and Safety Executive is urging business to commit to a New Year’s resolution designed to bring an end …

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A healthy safety debate always welcomed says Hackitt

Debate is healthy when it is based on facts as opposed to antidotes designed to support the arguments of health …

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Social media stirs up a safety wasps’ nest

It would seem that Health and Safety Executive chair, Judith Hackitt, has been a busy bee on social media recently, …

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