HSE confirms appointment of new chief executive

Dr Richard Judge has welcomed his appointment as chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive. Dr Judge is set …

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Health and Safety at Work Act turns 40 this year

Health and Safety Executive chair, Judith Hackitt, has described the Health and Safety at Work Act as “one of the …

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Learn from the past for a safer tomorrow says Hackitt

The chair of the Health and Safety Executive has cast a spotlight on 1974’s Flixborough disaster, urging industry leaders to …

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Minister says health and safety laws misunderstood

Work and pensions minister, Mike Penning, has warned that the real issues of health and safety are being masked by …

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Employees a barometer of safety says HSE chair

Judith Hackitt, chair of the Health and Safety Executive, has pinpointed employees at the coalface as the barometer against which …

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Child’s play imparts good safety messages says HSE chair

Lessons learned in childhood can help shape our future understanding of safety, according to the chair of the Health and …

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The Best Process Safety Quotes

For those of us in the safety sector, there has been one phrase uttered with more frequency than ‘coffee please’ …

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HSE Chair Challenges Industry To “Continuous” Improvement

The chair of the Health and Safety Executive has challenged industry leaders to commit to a campaign of “continuous improvement” …

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Should industry engage in safety knowledge sharing?

The age-old debate about the virtues of health and safety knowledge sharing was reopened last month when the president of …

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Boardrooms “gambling” with their business warns IChemE

Boardrooms who fail to focus on process safety are “gambling” with the survival of their business, according to the president …

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