Are there any hotels and guesthouses nearby CATCH, Stallingborough?

Coming to undertake health and safety training at CATCH in Stallingborough? Great, we can’t wait to see you there. If you require accommodation throughout the duration of your course, that’s not a problem.

There is a vast array of accommodation which resides in close proximity to us. From the villages of Lincolnshire to the surrounding towns of Grimsby and Cleethorpes, you’ll have plenty to pick from.

To guide you in the right direction we’ve put together a list of preferred hotels and guesthouses. Making a reservation is easy. Simply contact your preferred accommodation provider directly and they’ll be happy to help.

Check out our recommended hotels

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0331 6300 626

Lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, GMT

Karon Reynolds

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or fill in the form and a member of our safety team is standing by to help.

- John Reynolds