NSAPI permit to work: petroleum training courses

Reynolds Training Services permit to work petroleum training courses focus on past incidents and the lessons we can learn.

This NSAPI accredited petroleum training course will develop your company’s permit to work systems and procedures.

It focuses on:

  • Commonality in failings
  • Hazards within the industry
  • Silent killers such as asbestos

Petroleum training courses

Candidates on this half day petroleum training course will gain invaluable experience about what’s happening at your site’s coalface.

We’ll build on the Health and Safety Executive’s definition of core roles and look at how they should be integrated into your site’s permit to work process.

Find out more about our NSAPI permit to work petroleum training courses, including:

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0331 6300 626

Lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, GMT

Karon Reynolds

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- John Reynolds