Reynolds Training Services is set to exhibit its industrial strength portfolio of health and safety solutions at Business Hive Live 2017, Tuesday 3rd October 2017 at Grimsby Auditorium.
Reynolds Training Services’ team of specialists will be on hand to demonstrate the industry-leading online safety system, My Individual Training Record (My-iTR), in the new Tech Lounge and will be ready to answer all your health and safety questions.
“Developing confidence in competence is key to unlocking safer processes,” explains Reynolds Training Services managing director, John Reynolds. “This is particularly important given that the HSE has grabbed the issue by the scruff of the neck when it comes to high hazard sites”.
To make this measurable, sites must safety train, track and report.
John continues: “At the Business Hive event, we’ll be giving companies a first-hand demonstration of how My-iTR can help them keep an accurate record of their health and safety procedures, something they must do to comply with legislation.”
“The system allows site managers and their operators to access interactive learning safety courses. They can record knowledge in your Individual Training Record. Then track worker competence to demonstrate compliance.”
My-iTR, which runs alongside Reynolds Training Services’ more traditional onsite and classroom solutions, centralises this information into one online record. Users can upload and record all progress from individuals to whole site reports. It is a virtual safety toolbox comprising of interactive safety courses and the tools to measurably improve then track and report on workplace competence.”
To fuel continual professional development, automatic alerts are sent to site managers and learners when refresher training is required. And, when it comes to site audits, managers can supply the regulator and other stakeholders with access to the system.
“They’ll find everything organised in one easy to navigate area. It’s a clear demonstration of competence.”
Visit My-iTR for more information
Book your demonstration now
From industrial sites to occupational workplaces, local business leaders have been responding to the regulator’s drive for improved safety and competency. We are right on the doorstep of Business Hive members at the CATCH Training Facility, Stallingborough.
Come say hi to us at the Business Hive Live 2017, Tuesday 3rd October, to discuss all your health and safety needs.
Business Hive Event Details
11am – Doors open
12pm – 1pm Andrew Dixon & Dan Riley
Experts in ‘Big Data’ who will tell you what the term actually means and how that translates for you, into valuable knowledge to help grow your business.
1.30pm – 2.30pm Geoff Burch
An internationally renowned keynote speaker and master storyteller, he is a leading authority on sales, customers, leadership and change.
**2.30pm – 3.00pm – Interval**
3.00pm – 3.45pm Google
Hear from a representative of the world’s leading search engine and find out what is needed to gain a competitive advantage in the ever changing digital landscape.
4:00pm – 5:00pm Kevin Gaskell
An extraordinary leader who led iconic brands Porsche, BMW and Lamborghini to unprecedented levels of success. Kevin is a corporate trailblazer, serial entrepreneur and world class team builder.
The Business Hive Live is Northern Lincolnshire’s largest FREE B2B Conference and Expo, and will have over 70+ Exhibitors and more than 200 people coming through the doors.