New safe storage of petrol regulations

The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014, which govern the safe storage of petrol, came into force on 1st October.

Petrol is a dangerous substance and with it comes the risk of fire and explosion. The regulations combine, update and replace all previous legislation on petrol storage.

The new laws apply to:

  • Workplaces that store petrol and where it is dispensed
  • Non-workplace premises storing petrol such as private homes, clubs or associations

This applies to the following groups:

  • Owners and employees of petrol filling stations
  • Those who store petrol at places such as private homes, clubs or associations
  • Individuals who design, manufacture or supply portable petrol storage containers
  • Workplaces which store but do not dispense petrol

The Petroleum Enforcement Authorities are responsible for enforcing the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014.

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