Petroleum training courses: NSAPI Bulk Liquid Ops

We deliver a range of petroleum training courses which play a significant role in maintaining the safety record of high hazard sites.

The NSAPI Process Safety in a Bulk Liquid Environment does just that.

This half day petroleum training course is designed for those operating in bulk liquid operations and process environments.

It provides delegates with an understanding of the role process safety plays in the bulk liquid warehousing and process environment.

Petroleum training courses

This petroleum training course enables delegates to:

  • State the definition of ‘Process Safety’
  • Identify the factors affecting process safety;
  • Recognise key tools used to measure process safety performance;
  • State the objectives of operating principles and define the core areas they are built

As NSAPI’s ‘Centre of Excellence for Technical Competence‘, our team of experienced instructors are perfectly placed to deliver this petroleum training course direct at at your premises or from our UK based centres.

Find out more about our range of oil and gas health and safety courses

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0331 6300 626

Lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, GMT

Karon Reynolds

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- John Reynolds