Legislative Alert: Seveso III

An extensive EU Directive ensuring operators have policies in place to prevent major accidents is set to come into force across Member States by June 1st, 2015.

Under the rigours of the Seveso III Directive, operators tasked with handling dangerous substances above certain thresholds will be obliged to follow a number of steps.

These include:

  • Informing members of the public likely to be affected by an accident
  • Providing safety reports
  • Creating a safety management system
  • Designing an internal emergency plan

Emergency plans must also be locked in place for the surrounding areas.

Will Seveso III affect my site?

The resulting directive will affect around 10,000 industrial sites. This is likely to include your establishment if you:

  • Deal in chemicals/petrochemicals storage
  • Operate in the metal refining sector
  • Store or use dangerous substances in large quantities

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- John Reynolds