Fear forces business to adopt needless safety procedures says FSB

Fear forces some small to medium sized businesses to adopt unnecessary health and safety procedures which cost time and money, according to the national chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses.

John Allan was responding to a new survey by the Health and Safety Executive which showed nearly a third of small businesses consider themselves ‘hopeful-have-a-go’s’ when it comes to safety.

“The fear factor forces many businesses to adopt unnecessary health and safety procedures which costs time and money,” he said.

Among the findings of the H&S ABC report, one business implemented written guidelines for ascending the stairs with another completing a risk assessment by way of a tape measure.

The HSE says the H&S ABC report contains all the information a small business needs in order to manage health and safety sensibly. The resource is available for free on their website.

Mr Allan said: “Introducing a new resource to give small businesses a way of clearly identifying guidance and information designed for them can only be a good initiative.

“It is a tool which will not only help to sense check compliance, it will also avoid ‘gold plating’ and show how health and safety need not be a burden on their business.”

The Health and Safety Executive says the free online guidance has been designed to help even complete beginners get health and safety right.

Free guidance available at the HSE’s website

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