Salmond "certain" Grangemouth can be saved

Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond, said on Friday that he remains “absolutely certain” that the Grangemouth petrochemical plant can be saved from closure.

Mr Salmond’s comments came as staff wait to learn whether Ineos will reverse its decision to shut the operation.

Speaking to BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland programme, Mr Salmond said: “I would now be very hopeful indeed that there will be a change in position from Ineos and I’m absolutely certain there’s a future for chemicals in Grangemouth.

“I believe there will be a change in position today and that will be a favourable change in position.

“My reason for saying that is that everybody has been going that extra mile I called for.

“Given that only 48 hours ago we were looking at a major industrial catastrophe in Scotland, I think we’re in a much better position this Friday morning.”

Grangemouth stopped production last week amidst a bitter row which had centred on Ineos’ alleged treatment of union official, Stephen Deans. The union called off the planned walkout but the site remained shut.

Ineos then put a “survival plan” to workers warning them the site faced going bust unless they agreed to changes to pay and conditions.

The decision to close the petrochemical plant was taken at a meeting of Ineos shareholders after the proposals were rejected by about half of the site’s workers.

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