The Health and Safety Executive has updated its guidance to employers on managing and controlling legionella bacteria in water systems.
The decision to review and update the Legionnaires’ disease Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) (L8) follows an extensive consultation. Technical guidance which had previously been published separately online has now been removed.
HSE’s legionella policy lead, Lorraine Medcalf, said the change would make guidance easier to understand.
“The revised ACOP provides greater clarity for duty holders on what constitutes legal requirements and what is guidance. Where possible we have simplified terminology,” explained Ms Medcalf.
She added: “The review also enabled us to update technical guidance to incorporate technological advancements and separate it from general guidance on the regulations, making it available on our website.”
The review of the Workplace ACOP followed initial recommendations by Professor Ragnar Löfstedt in his report Reclaiming Health and Safety For All.
The revised publication was subject to consultation and received HSE Board and ministerial approval.
The revised ACOP is available at the HSE website
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